Another year, another E3! Were there winners? Losers? Was it a party or a travesty? I’ve given ample time for the news and excitement to settle, and my own hype to dissipate. So let’s find out what announcements, trailers, and gameplay still left an impact.
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E3 2014 Highs and Lows
E3 Hopes & Expectations
Another year, another E3. It’s that time of year when the biggest players of the industry come together and try to outdo each other’s big announcements. I have high hopes for what we could see from Nintendo, Sony, and surprisingly, Electronic Arts. Will those hopes be met? Here are the lists of my top 10 hopes and expectations for what we’ll see at this year’s E3.
Fire Emblem Awakening Review
My past exposure to the Fire Emblem series has been rather brief. This should be unsurprising for a game series that rarely comes over to North America. I am, of course, somewhat familiar with the characters that have made an appearance in the Smash series as well as having played one previous game in the Fire Emblem series. I’m also not much of a fan when it comes to Tactics RPGs and, in fact, my taste for turn-based RPGs in general has waned over the years as I have grown tired of level-grinding. So, I was not particularly looking forward to Fire Emblem Awakening on the 3DS.